east feliciana parish sheriffs office
Please report all information on offenders directly to law enforcement.
Those individuals seeking to harass, harm or confront an offender can be arrested and prosecuted.
If you have a question, contact (225) 683-3313.
For questions concerning our sex offender community awareness program, please contact:
East Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office
11315 Bank Street • Clinton, LA 70722
Telephone: (225) 683-3313
East Feliciana Parish
The East Feliciana Parish Police Jury is the governing body of the parish and consists of nine representatives elected by district.
Parish History
The parish was part of Feliciana Parish, which was founded and named in 1810 by Spanish rulers, who then controlled the territory. Feliciana is derived from a Spanish rendering of the French name “Felicité”, which means happiness. The Spanish governor named it in honor of his wife, Marie Felicité.

East Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office
P. O. Box 207
Clinton, LA 70722
Main: 225-683-8572
Fax: 225-683-8823