Waterworks District No. 7 Board
Samuel Brown
Louise Bryant
Eunice Randall
Anthony “Tony” Rouchon
Chris Rouchon
Fire District Board
Sheddricka Armstead
Doug Beachamp
Kelly Davis
Jimmy Garig
Allen McNabb
Chris Phares
Earl Ravencraft, Jr.
Emergency Communications District board
Darryl Buhler
Mark Dousay
Kevin Garig
Kenneth Stewart
James Myles
Tiffany Taylor Jeff Williams
Tourist Commission
Paul Davidson
Leigh Reed
Allen Saltus, Jr.
Smitty Schmidt
Tiff Terrell
Planning & Zoning Commission
Shirley Anderson
John “Andy” Bishop
Beau Cotten
Ashley Ferguson
Martin MacDiarmid, Jr.
Debbie Odom
Josh O’Quin Matthew Peterson JR Rouchon
Gas Utility District 1 Board
Yvonne Allen
Judy Brown
Jimmy Garig
Cheryl Green
J. Curtis Jelks
Leola Moore
Eunice Smiley
Sonja Terrell
Gas Utility District 2 Board
Joe Ford
Charles Blair
Ricky Dawson
Marc Gregoire
Other Boards and Commission
Citizen Services is available in East Feliciana Parish residents. Request and/or report a range of different parish related requests or concerns.
• Bridge or Road conditions.
• Waste Management. Animal and rodent concerns.
• Sewer and Water inquiries and concerns.
East Feliciana Parish
The East Feliciana Parish Police Jury is the governing body of the parish and consists of nine representatives elected by district.
Parish History
The parish was part of Feliciana Parish, which was founded and named in 1810 by Spanish rulers, who then controlled the territory. Feliciana is derived from a Spanish rendering of the French name “Felicité”, which means happiness. The Spanish governor named it in honor of his wife, Marie Felicité.

East Feliciana Parish
P.O. Box 427
Clinton, LA 70722
Main: 225-683-8577
Fax: 225-683-3100